Advance Your Career by Learning a Language
Languages are diverse and I love diversity. What about you? Languages are diverse because of their relation to diverse cultures; those cultures come from the historical and geographical background of each country. Languages are not only a medium of speaking to each culture but also, add a deeper meaning to them. Therefore, learning a new language is no lesser than learning an absolute new culture for some. This gives their personality diversity like none other. So, learning a new/second second language has an ample of benefits. Anyhow, as, “Nunca es tarde para aprender” (It is never late to learn). However, did you ever know, being a bilingual or learning a new language such as Spanish could help advance your career?
So, let’s find out a few more of the advantages of learning a new language and being a bilingual/multilingual:-
- Personality- As I mentioned in the introduction that learning new languages contributes to our personality (such as diversity) which not everyone has, so that way it adds up as a uniqueness and refinement. This is what would make you more attractive as a candidate.

2. Cultural intelligence- Multilingualism and bilingualism help build confidence and a stronger self-esteem while also developing sensitivity and compassion towards others across the globe as they have the sense of diversity and cultural differences and respect it. They encourage seeing the world through the cultural lenses. That develops cultural intelligence which allows them to grow through working globally by understanding that cultural diversity is essential. Therefore, the multilingual and bilingual professionals with strong intercultural capacity have an astonishingly great advantage.

3. Travel- Want to go for a vacation to Spain? Then why not learn some basic Spanish to have an easier interaction while travelling there? Yes, knowing an extra language just to travel is sometimes sensible because not everywhere English is spoken as the first language. Thereby, it would help you communicate and follow signs written in Spanish (in this case). Another scenario would be, if you know Mandarin (Chinese) your company would appoint you to travel to China for work as you would be the best candidate for them. If you want to be that candidate, then try out Language Mingle where you can learn your desired language from native speaking tutors.

4. Job opportunities- How to advance your career by learning a new language? Being a bilingual often has benefits such as having better scope for employment. A bilingual person might get a job as a translator or interpreter if they have a great proficiency (speak, understand, read and write) in the languages they know. Other job positions might as well be there in multinational companies for bilinguals who are less proficient (can only speak and understand) such as BPOs, call centres’ customer service agents, client service specialists and passport clerks among a few other positions. In this manner, millions of people would get employment globally.

5. Enhanced/extra benefits to your resume- Ever felt discouraged because of the lack skills while writing your resume? Well, now if you are planning to take up Spanish as it’s the second most spoken language in the United States, or Chinese Mandarin as it’s one of the most demanded languages in today’s world. You can learn them on Language Mingle as well as other languages too.
- Job categories for bilinguals- The cultural diversity of the world and especially in countries such as the United States, makes it easier for a bilingual to get a job. So, what are the different job titles for a bilingual? Bilingualism can get people into almost any profession that has interaction with people. This is specifically more suitable for the Southern part of America with cosmopolitan populations. Apparently, each job title will depend and vary according to the candidate’s not only bilingual abilities but also relevant skills and qualifications, experience and interest. I hope these help you not only thrive in life but also advance your career rapidly.
Here is the list of careers a bilingual/multilingual can opt for:
I. Translator/game translator/interpreters- Translators and interpreters are highly in demand as business and trade have always been growing and now, they are not only growing abroad but also, worldwide.
II. Flight attendant- I know someone who worked in Lufthansa as a flight attendant and now she teaches German. So, you see being bilingual can even give a position in the airline industry. Moreover, it’s beneficial by increasing safety for passengers to converse, understand and give instructions and service.
III. Sales representative and marketing director- Particularly, for people who can speak Spanish, Mandarin and English fluently, these could be great options.
IV. Teacher/professor- Teaching a language might not be the simplest job. Although, the pay would be pretty high.
V. Community representative- Do you play video games on your phone as a hobby? Then, now you might have an opportunity to work with a gaming company. Gaming companies like Konami require bilingual speakers for game instruction creators, voice actors, and other work for gaming production since they publish their games worldwide.
VI. Nurse- Nurses can help patients calm down from stressing over and panicking in the most crucial moments in life. A nurse’s reassurance is very important in such cases. And for that, having a proper conversation and explaining everything, language can play a big role. So, this is why this position is relevant for bilinguals.
VII. Customer/emergency service (EMT)- Multilingualism and bilingualism already have a major role in this field as we all know. However, not all customer service jobs are as horrible as you might think. So, why not help companies pay you highly for not one but two or three languages?! Or even better if you could help saving lives by attending calls and conversing fluently with the distressed caller.
VIII. Social worker- Working for the betterment of the society and well being of others is one thing even I would like to do. So, travelling abroad and using your bilingual skills for social work; there can’t be a more exciting journey.
IX. Real estate agent- As a real estate agent helps their client to purchase, rent, or sell properties, being bilingual is an amazing advantage to prosper further in the field.
X. Human resources Specialist- A 2017 study by McKinsey & Company showed that ethnic diversity brings tremendous profitability if they are in search of bilingual or multilingual applicants. For, bilingual human resources specialists allow brands and companies to get more scope while hiring.

You may ask now, but why, specifically Language Mingle? Let me inform you, Language Mingle provides friendly native tutors to each customer at affordable prices and also, free courses. Moreover, Language Mingle has been very considerate mainly towards their client’s needs, convenience. The courses and service are made according to the client’s interests and goals.
You can also check Language Mingle’s Facebook page: for customers’ ratings and recommendations. Now, if you choose to join Language Mingle, it would be a great decision for you to give an improved look to your new skill set too. And yes, I said skill ‘set’; that is because you would not only enhance the list of hard skills but also, soft skill. Are you still confused how that’s possible? Well, soft skill because it would also give you communication skills, cultural intelligence, and creativity.
Therefore, this is how being bilingual can help your career advance divergently. Now, after knowing the amazing advantages of learning a language, are you ready to learn one? If yes, please join Language Mingle for outstanding service from native tutors at affordable prices.
All are welcome! Good luck!! For more info: