Ten Ways to make the best out of Covid-19
Covid-19 is a pandemic and it’s spreading faster than we ever thought. That is why countries have chosen complete lockdown and quarantine for protecting us in the most efficient manner because we want to flatten the curve; also, we haven’t found a vaccine yet. So, evidently, we all need to stay home to protect each other. As kind as it sounds, I know how boring it could get. Nevertheless, I have thought of ten ways/activities for you, during quarantine, to utilize your time in a productive yet amusing manner.
Here are ten ways to make the best out of Covid-19:-
- Spend time with family– Nowadays everyone is busy at work or study, we don’t have time for each other and this is how relationships get feeble. Even so, it’s never too late to catch up and bond again with family. And since it’s quarantine for all of us, why not spend time with family, especially if you live far from home? It’s the perfect time to have a talk about life in general post lunch/dinner.

It would also be nice to have a chess match and discuss the hardships of your life. You might also get some advice on how to tackle them better as a parent would have more experience in life than you. Board games like Monopoly would be great if you would want to spend longer time than chess because usually it includes more than two people for the game and it takes some time to play it as well. So, let’s cherish the moments we have right now before they are gone.

2. Learn a new musical instrument– Have you ever thought of learning to play a musical instrument? Learning to create music is creative in itself but it would also keep you busy and entertained throughout the quarantine days as you would have to continue learning every day bit by bit. Therefore, it would be a smart cure for your boredom!

- Learn to cook- Are you craving for that mouth watering chicken lasagne you dreamt of? How about you give yourself a treat by making it at home. Besides, cooking has other benefits such as cooking saves you money by not paying extra bucks for the dish and availability of it , also, makes you eat healthier because you are being responsible by using refined ingredients.
Cooking makes you creative because cooking is an art. It’s like trying out new recipes over and over again and one day you become an expert at it and that would make you self-sufficient too! That would not only make your tummy happy but scientists also say that cooking together strengthens the relationship. If you are single, even then you might want to learn to cook to survive and you might even get a girlfriend because women like men who cook.

- Pamper yourself– If you rush to work everyday then cherish these quarantine days and pamper yourself. Rejuvenate your skin with an herbal face mask that suits your skin and get back tender, baby-soft skin. Or perhaps give yourself that relaxing, luxurious bath you have always dreamed of. Soak yourself in fragrant bath bombs and other bathing and beauty products; and if you live with your partner, have a romantic and sensual bath together to make new memories. If you have a bath tub, you can decorate it with scented candles and flower petals. Have some wine or a preferred beverage while you relax. This would set the perfect mood for the two of you. Have fun! 😉

- Get crafty– Get creative by making hand crafted items at home in your free time. If you always liked painting but didn’t have much time for it. It’s time to discover the Van Gogh in you! You could also start making papier-mâché items, cardboard robots, pen stands, coasters, bookmarks, etc. Let your creativity go wild and you’ll see it’s magic! Craft would ameliorate your imagination of course but it would also help you develop fine motor skills, improves eyes-hand coordination, boosts self-esteem, and improves decision-making skills as well! Once the quarantine is over you would have a new set of skills to add in your CV.

- Exercise your body- Are you a fitness freak? Here’s an amazing way to not let your fitness goals get hampered, work out at home every day just like you used to do in the gym. Working out helps keep you healthy not only physically bringing in emotional stability by keeping yourself busy.
In fact, it helped me become happier by decreasing mood swings, anxiety and depression to some extent. And believe it or not, here are some benefits of exercising regularly: boots your immune system, reduces inflammation and risks of cardiovascular diseases, slows the process of aging, it also triggers the growth of new brain cells. Recent studies show that the process called “Neurogenesis” is when the brain begins to grow new neurons by doing physical activities like aerobic exercises and Yoga.

- Reading books- Are you a bookworm or do you have books lying on your shelf? Dust them off and spend time reading them. If you have read all of them and don’t want to read them again, try reading story books, short stories, poems, biographies, news, articles online as per your preferences. Reading not only makes you smarter but gives you a better vocabulary and syntax. Imagination, creativity, writing abilities get better while reading. Reading is also beneficial because you get peace and decrease stress-levels, help you fight depression as well by keeping you occupied and so, reading boosts your sleep too.

- Research/learning about new topics- Since we were talking about Yoga already, why not continue with it. According to Sadhguru (Yogi and mystic), “Yoga is not just an exercise. It is a process and system through which human beings can find their highest possible potential.” Do you know how many types of Yoga exist? Yes, there are types of Yoga such as Bhakti yoga, Gnana yoga, Karma yoga, and Kriya yoga. Also, I feel meditating increases the positivity in and around us. Now, if you want to spend some more time knowing about Yoga or some other topic that interests you.

- Learn to appreciate and be grateful– In this time of Coronavirus, we must all learn to be grateful for all that we have right now in our lives. We must take a moment to appreciate all the efforts of doctors, nurses, public hygiene maintenance staff, army, policemen (in some countries) fighting against Covid-19 incessantly. They are staying from their families to not possibly contract the disease further and so, protecting others too. Let us thank them. Let us pray, spread hope, strength, awareness, positivity and unite globally to defeat this disease.

- Learn a new language- Since books are written through the medium of language, and language leads to history, culture and literature, why not learn a new language? You can get new skills to add on your CV, by learning a new language. So, what if I told you about a platform where you would find free language lessons with native speaking tutors? Want to know the secret? Well, it’s called Language Mingle!
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